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Under new laws being legislated under the Major Crime and Community Safety Legislation, police will be given more powers to carry out their roles. Crypt currency will be able to be seized by police officers, however, it is assumed this will only apply to Australian-based exchanges (ie if your crypto is held in an overseas exchange, it would be unlikely VicPol will be able to seize it (unless it is held in a country with a reciprocal agreement with Australia)).

Vicpol will also have the ability to assume fake identities without seeking permission from the police commissioner and they will also be able to bring specialists (i.e. locksmiths) with them to execute warrants.

Firearms no longer need to have a court order to be forfeited (for firearm, drugs or sexual offences) and victims will be compensated to a higher degree.

With the nature of crime shifting, the manner the Police deal with the criminal activities must shift also. However, with great power comes great responsibility and the powers given to those who identify and deal with police corruption should also be increased to compensate and stamp out corruption and misuse of power by the police officers themselves. 

Whilst it is a step forward in fighting some types of crime, we feel IBAC should be allowed much greater powers as well, to stop the rampant criminal conduct and activities of our politicians and other public servants who abuse their positions.

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