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Corruption seems to be the theme of the moment, with members from both major parties being referred to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).

Mitch Caitlin resigned from office after it was revealed he requested a donor make more than $100,000 in payments to his private marketing business “Catchy Media Marketing and Management” for services as a contractor.

Labor stated it would refer the matter to IBAC, the AFP, the ombudsman, the state electoral commission and the police, Liberal rebutted stating Mitch Cailtin resigned after the wrongdoing was discovered, whereas Somyurek only resigned after IBAC’s investigation confirmed his corrupt conduct.

The reality of the situation is both parties have done wrong and Australians deserve much better than the subpar management of our hard-earned tax dollars by either party. Time would be best spent by both parties improving their lacklustre policies as opposed to pointing the finger at each other for wrongdoings both parties are guilty of (granted their policies are still better than those of say the Green party).

The time is ripe for new independent parties with thoroughly thought out policies to start encroaching on seats traditionally held by the majors.

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